When people continuously lie to you, it's hard to believe them, even when they may be telling the truth. An ex-boyfriend, Mr X I'll call him, rang me last night. He wanted to catch up this Saturday morning. He promised that he would be honest to me from now on. Trouble is, how can you trust someone when they've lied to you so many times before? It's like the boy who cried wolf. I'm refusing to catch up with Mr X again, until he can prove he is telling the truth.
When I researched the psychology of lying, I found some disturbing news. DePaulo and her colleagues (1996), discovered that most people lie once or twice a day. According to this study, we lie in approximately a fifth of our social interactions that last ten or more minutes. Research shows that dating couples lie in about a third of their interactions.
So it seems lying is pretty common in our society. That doesn't make it right though. I admit I've lied before, but only when I felt I had no other option or I wanted to protect a loved one. I know it was still wrong of me. I try my best to be honest, because straying from the truth ruins relationships and betrays trust.
Guess what? A friend just rang me and asked if I wanted to catch up for brunch tomorrow morning. I'm so glad I have other plans now!
Bird's Eye
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