Thursday, 27 January 2011

Seeking And Achieving Our Dreams

Hey There!
I hope everyone has had a great Christmas and New Year! I certainly have!

Wow, it's hard to believe it's 2011 already! Have you set any goals for this year? The key factor in achieving goals is our motivation.

What is motivation?
Motivation can often bridge the gap between what needs to be done and what is not being done. Motivation may include internal or external forces. When setting personal goals, however, it is important that we are emotionally and mentally invested in achieving them.

Some tips to stay motivated
It is important that we define our own version of success and make sure that the goals we set come from our heart. Reflecting upon the reasons we want to succeed can also be helpful.

When setting our goals, we should make sure that they are realistic, practical and worthwhile. Some people find it helpful to visualize future successes and imagine the sense of fulfillment they will experience when achieving their dreams. Another strategy that some people employ is mapping out steps involved in reaching each goal.

It is important that we remind ourselves, daily, what we are striving to achieve. Affirming ourselves regularly and being flexible in our approach, often assists in sustaining our motivation. Another contributing factor in motivation is our ability to develop strategies, to overcome challenges that may arise.

Some people find it helpful to set targets and plan the amount of time they intend to devote to each task. Remaining focused is vital, as distractions will often hinder our progress. Some people will reward themselves when they have accomplished a task. This may include buying something, or watching a favourite show.

Empowering ourselves
Personal empowerment usually enhances the quality of our relationships, career and life in general. Our self-image is often perceived by others through subtle cues such as body language and demeanour. People will tend to treat us accordingly. If we lack confidence, for example, we may encounter some people who treat us with aggression or disrespect. When we are empowered and strong, we tend to give off a confident vibe and people will usually respond positively to this.

When we are not empowered, we tend to seek validation from external sources. This can lead some people to believe that we are insecure, needy and / or incompetent. If we believe in ourselves, others often will do likewise. If we love and respect ourselves and others, we will encourage reciprocation.

Tips on empowering ourselves
It is important for us to decide the person we want to be and how we want to live our life. One approach that some of us may find helpful, is identifying our strengths and weaknesses. Making a conscious effort to improve our abilities is another significant factor in this process. It is important to acknowledge, to ourselves, our successes up to date. We should view our mistakes as learning experiences.

Developing self-esteem
Self-esteem is the degree to which we like ourselves. Low self-esteem means that we do not like ourselves and feel inferior to others. Having a negative self-image can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety and misery. It can affect the way we relate to others and how comfortable we feel in social gatherings.

A healthy level of self-esteem means that we accept who we are and believe that we are equal to everyone else. Having a positive self-image assists in building confidence, happiness and inner peace. People who believe they are okay tend to be more social, outgoing and successful.

Personal experience has taught me, that maintaining a positive internal dialogue is important, when helping to boost self-esteem and confidence. It is difficult to accept ourselves, if we are constantly fighting against a tide of negativity. It is important to be kind to ourselves, without going over the top. Over-confidence can be distasteful and obstructive.

I have also learnt throughout my life, that self-esteem and confidence often grow with maturity. When I was younger, I was much more shy and insecure. I projected my inner beliefs on to others, doubting that others could love and accept me. My blindness and hearing impairment, accentuated my sense of inferiority. Over time, however, I have learnt that, while I am far from perfect, I am as okay as the next person. My disabilities have helped to strengthen my character and provided me with a unique perception of life.

Perseverance wins the day
Throughout life we all inevitably encounter hurdles and barriers. We may receive negative feedback from others, or perhaps it is our self who prevents us from pursuing our dreams. It is important to not give up. If one approach proves ineffective, then try another. We should try different avenues until we find the one which works.

Throughout my life, I have sometimes encountered people who lack confidence in my abilities. This is particularly the case when trying to gain employment. Employers are often quick to dismiss blind people as being unproductive and incapable. Blind people, however, can often be equally skilled and intelligent as their sighted peers. Of course, there are limitations in the type of employment blind people are suited for. They cannot, for example, be a bus driver! But it is important to focus on what abilities people have, rather than discount them because of their impairments. A person once told me, that when someone tells you that you can’t, take the “t” away and you “can”!

Thinking outside the square
Living life as a blind person often requires creative thinking. When I was a kid, for example, I wanted to ride my bike, like my siblings. To achieve this goal, I rode around the clothes line, holding on to a rope that was tied to the corner of one of the arms. With this rope to guide me, I soon wore a track in the grass around the clothes line! My Dad constructed a wooden ramp, so I could also do jumps. In later years, I received a tandem bike for Christmas and rode with family members or friends.

When making our New Year’s resolutions, we should remember that “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”! If we truly want to achieve our goals, we'll get there in the end. Things may not turn out exactly how we expect but as long as we get out there and give it our best shot, we'll be rewarded in the end!

Bird's Eye

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