Thursday, 11 November 2010

Lack of understanding

How are you going?
 I've been neglecting my blog a bit lately!
Today I want to raise the topic of understanding, or rather, the lack of it. Throughout my years of being blind, I've discovered that there is a lack of understanding that exists regarding people who are blind/vision impaired. I don't want to complain or criticise anyone here; on the contrary, I've met many kind and well meaning people throughout my daily travels. Many people, however, seem uncertain of how to interact with people who are blind or vision impaired. For example, they may be over zealous in their efforts to help you, believing that you are a poor helpless being who needs to have your shoelace tied. One time I was sitting on the bus when a lady randomly pressed a crunchy bar in to my hand.
“Here,” she said. “Eat this.”
Then evidently noting the sealed wrapper, she reached over and proceeded to open it! I felt a bit awkward, as I didn't want to offend the elderly lady, but at the same time, there was no way I was going to consume the crunchy bar that had come from God knows where!

Conversely, some members of the public are more of a hindrance than a help. On many occasions, I've asked someone for directions.
“Oh, over there love, “they would say vaguely.
“Sorry I’m blind, would you mind telling me which direction it is?” I would ask, my seeing-eye dog growing increasingly impatient at my side.
“Over to the left, “and before I could utter another word, they would bustle off.
After walking for some time, I'd discover that I was heading in the completely wrong direction!

And then you get those who seem reluctant to communicate with you at all. The silent waitress/waiter who places a latte half a meter away from you on the table and then vanishes without a word. Or people who talk through you to your sighted companion.
“So what does she want?”
“Hello, I am here you know!” I want to say. “I don’t bite!”

I believe that there needs to be more open communication between those who are blind/vision impaired, and those who are not. Hopefully this will result in increased understanding and less frustration for everyone.

Well, now that I’ve got that out of my system, do you have any funny/annoying stories to share? Whether you have a disability or not, I would be interested to hear your experiences!

Hope you have a great weekend people!
Bird’s Eye     

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